The Forbidden Knowledge of the Book of Enoch by Harold Roth takes on the challenges of subject matter.

The Forbidden Knowledge of the Book of Enoch by Harold Roth takes on the challenges of subject matter.
In Astrology of the Shadow Self, Maria D’Aoust teaches readers how to discover the shadows of their natal places.
In Fortuna: The Sacred & Profane Faces of Luck, Nigel Pennick explores the origins and evolution of the concept of luck, from divination to gambling.
The Evil Eye: The History, Mystery, and Magic of the Quiet Curse by Italian folk magic practitioner Antonio Pagliarulo is a manual on psychic protection that teaches you how to detect, banish, and prevent the malison of the Evil Eye.
In Our African Unconscious: The Black Origins of Mysticism and Psychology, Edward Bruce Bynum draws upon a myriad of research to shine a light on this repressed African consciousness within us all.