Oracle of Heaven and Hell by Travis McHenry is more than just a deck of cards; it’s a portal to the depths of the human soul.

Oracle of Heaven and Hell by Travis McHenry is more than just a deck of cards; it’s a portal to the depths of the human soul.
High Magic in the Age of Steam by Jeffrey S. Kupperman is an exploration of the steampunk aesthetic and Victorian esoteric practices.
Throwing Bones, Crystals, Stones, and Curios by Mystic Dylan guides readers on a journey through the mystical art of casting and interpreting symbols.
In Theurgy, Theory & Practice, author P.D. Newman supplies a solid scholarly background on the development of theurgical practices.
In Soul Journey through the Tarot, John Sandbach shares his own unique magical system, co-created with his spirit guides and inspired by over 50 years of studying tarot.
Witches, Druids, and Sin Eaters by Jon C. Hughes with Sophie Gallagher is a very comprehensive look at this unique area of Welsh Marches.
Occult Los Angeles lives on through Tamra Lucid’s Making the Ordinary Extraordinary, detailing insider information about the life of Manly P. Hall.
A Guide of Spirits by Chris Allaun is a clear and thorough text about how we can better support others through all stages of the death process.
Conform or Be Cat Out: The (Literal) Demonization of Nonconformists by Logan Albright was the dose of reality that I didn’t even realize I needed.
Tok: A Magick Tale by Pablo Reig Mendoza is the most wonderful occult fiction book I’ve read in quite some time.