Boys Are Witches Too! by Ted Enik is a real treat for children learning about the Paganism.
Boys Are Witches Too! by Ted Enik is a real treat for children learning about the Paganism.
Dianna Rhyan has re-animated a lesser-known, inspirational woman in Pagan Portals – Mestra the Shapeshifter.
Oracle of Heaven and Hell by Travis McHenry is more than just a deck of cards; it’s a portal to the depths of the human soul.
Darragh Mason’s Song of the Dark Man beckons readers down a crooked, thorn-riddled forest path to meet the Devil at the crossroads.
A Confluence of Witches, edited by Casey Zabala, brings together a diverse array of voices within the contemporary witchcraft community.
Blackthorn’s Book of Sacred Plant Magic by Amy Blackthorn is perfect for working with botanicals and exploring the plant kingdom.
In Witchcraft, Grimassi explores the myths and universal deity archetypes at the core of the Mysteries.
For those ready to advance their candle magic practice, Patricia Telesco provides wonderful guidance in Mastering Candle Magic.
Pagan Portals – Dragon Magic by Rachel Patterson is a portal for those seeking to discover this realm for themselves.
Sacred Bones, Magic Bones by Ness Bosch is a captivating journey into the intriguing world of bone magic.