Finding Home within the Heart of the Earth by Eagle Skyfire felt more to me words to be practiced rather than a book to be merely read.

Finding Home within the Heart of the Earth by Eagle Skyfire felt more to me words to be practiced rather than a book to be merely read.
Goddess Love Oracle by Wendy Andrew is an incredible deck that packs a lot of Goddess guidance into it.
In her book Encountering the Dark Goddess: A Journey Into Shadow Realms, Frances Billinghurst has carved a path for us to tread in our personal search for the answers we need in order to evolve and become better versions of ourselves.
In creating the Dragon Wisdom Oracle Cards, Christine Arana Fader has written a mystical book about magical beings that can support you on your spiritual journey.
Because Kabbalah: The Tree of Life Oracle requires focus to learn, I would recommend this deck to those who are already somewhat familiar and interested in the Kabbalah.
What happens when Mexican Gothic crosses with Da Vinci Code? You get the spellbinding novel Forbidden Fruits by Josecelyn Godwin and Guido Mina di Sospiro.