Pagan Portals – Planetary Magic by Rebecca Beattie is a wonderful guide for those who want to learn how to use planetary magic in their practice.

Pagan Portals – Planetary Magic by Rebecca Beattie is a wonderful guide for those who want to learn how to use planetary magic in their practice.
In The First Female Pharaoh: Sobekneferu, Goddess of the Seven Stars, author Andrew Collins does rigorous archaeological detective work.
Halo Quin is a devotee of Freya and the Faery Queen, so it’s easy to see where the impetus for Crimson Craft: Sexual magic for the Solo Witch comes from!
In Pagan Portals – Polytheism: A Platonic Approach, Steven Dillon presents an argument that the existence of any god entails the existence of many gods.
To settle into the magic so that it supports us, comforts us, grounds us and activates us, Hearth & Home Witchcraft by Jennie Blonde is the book to read.
Becoming a Garment of Isis: A Nine-Stage Initiatory Path of Egyptian Spirituality by Naomi Ozaneic is one of those rare reads that emanates its energy and power simply by the calling of its title.
Consorting with Spirits by Jason MIller is a blueprint for finding and connecting to spirit in a careful and respectful manner.
The Healing Power of the Sun by Richard Hobday inspired me to spend more time outdoors in order to improve my health.
A Spellbook for the Seasons by Tudrobeth is a companion to the seasons that will greatly enhance your experiences and show you in so many ways how we are connected to the natural world.
Pagan Portals – Sekhmet by Olivia Church is one of those titles that seems synchronistically to appear exactly when it is needed, much like the Goddess Sekhmet Herself.