Becoming a Garment of Isis: A Nine-Stage Initiatory Path of Egyptian Spirituality by Naomi Ozaneic is one of those rare reads that emanates its energy and power simply by the calling of its title.

Becoming a Garment of Isis: A Nine-Stage Initiatory Path of Egyptian Spirituality by Naomi Ozaneic is one of those rare reads that emanates its energy and power simply by the calling of its title.
Spirit Weaver by Seren Bertrand is a treasure trove of wisdom about the magic of the feminine mysteries.
At the end of the day, I am deeply impressed with Machine Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm by Luke Lafitte.
The Wanderer’s Tarot by Casey Zabala appears to be an amazing jumping-off point for self-discovery and reflection.
Archangel Fire Oracle by Alexandra Wenman goes beyond the positive, affirming messages of other angel oracle decks, connecting the reader with the genuine essence of each angel.
How to Become a Mermaid by Elyrria Swann is a wonderful guide for developing a relationship with not only the Mer-realm, but the element of water as well.
I would recommend Empath Activation Cards by Rev. Stephanie Red Feather, even if you don’t identify as an empath.
The Relative Tarot by Carrie Paris is a really neat deck to add to one’s collection, especially for advanced readers or those interested in learning more about their ancestral line through the cards.
Exploring the Divine Library by Richard Rowe is a continuation of the journey outlined in his first book, Imagining the Unimaginable: A System’s Engineer’s Journey into the Afterlife.
In Practical Alchemy: A Guide to the Great Work, Brian Cotnoir does a wonderful job of contextualizing alchemy and providing a foundation one can start their journey from.