Untamed Spirit Animal Oracle by Francesca Matteoni will catalyze within its user a call to the stream of animal spirit that resides within all sentient life on our planet.

Untamed Spirit Animal Oracle by Francesca Matteoni will catalyze within its user a call to the stream of animal spirit that resides within all sentient life on our planet.
Pagan Portals – Temple Priestesses of Antiquity by Lady Haight-Ashton was a fantastic read that expanded my knowledge of the influence Priestesses had on cultures of the past.
Spirit Weaver by Seren Bertrand is a treasure trove of wisdom about the magic of the feminine mysteries.
Elemental Power Tarot is a beautiful deck, which uses rustic, muted tones and hand-drawn images to create an earthy look.
Your Magickal Year: Transform your life through the seasons of the zodiac by Melinda Lee Holm is the perfect book to use as guidance when cultivating a magical lifestyle.
Take a breath, pause, and gift yourself the time to delve into Seasons of a Magical Life: A Pagan Path of Living by H. Byron Ballard.
I thoroughly enjoyed everything about Hekate: Goddess of Witches by Courtney Weber and am delighted to add it to my growing library on Hekate.
The premise of The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception is based on the Infancy Gospel of James (Protoevangelium of James) that dates back to the 2nd-century.
Pagan Portals – Temple of the Bones: Rituals to the Goddess Hekate author Jennifer Teixeira has been a practicing witch for over two decades
Raven Goddess: Going Deeper with The Morrigan by Morgan Daimler provides an abundance of thoroughly researched and cross-checked facts, coupled with a flair that only an accomplished storyteller could achieve.