PJ: Hello, Philip! Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me about your newly released book Crystal Connections: Understand the Messages of 101 Essential Crystals and How to Connect with Their Wisdom (CICO 2023). I am a huge fan of yours and have read many of your books, but for those who are new to your work, would you share a little bit about yourself?
Philip: I’m a crystal healer, teacher and author. I work with crystals every day for myself, with my clients, students and customers. I also buy and sell crystals from around the world. I live in Hertfordshire, just outside London, in the UK, but I’ll be in the US in August and September teaching Crystal Workshops and an amazing Crystal Retreat on Maui, Hawaii. All of the information is on crystalsusa.com
PJ: How did you decide to sell crystals and teach others about crystals? What profession were you engaged in before you became a crystal expert?
Philip: Quite simply, I got ill. I was always interested in alternative and mystical things so after an operation, when I was told I wouldn’t walk again, I turned to anything and everything that might help. One of the many things I tried were crystals. I’m sure everything I tried helped to greater or lesser degrees, but crystals were physical, and way back I graduated with a degree in Applied Biology from London University. So, when I discovered the amazing ability to heal I turned to physical crystals to research for a year whilst convalescing. Although I walked out of the hospital 6 weeks and 2 days after being told I couldn’t walk, it was a good year before I had my strength back and was fully recovered.

Before this I had a phenomenally stressful job in the entertainment industry, producing shows and promoting rock bands. So you could say I went from one type of rock business to the other rock business!
PJ: You discuss how crystals healed your body when you were in the hospital for serious surgery. How did you come to think of crystal healing?
Philip: I just tried everything and anything. My mindset was very much not accepting that I would never walk again.
PJ: Was that quartz crystal next to your bed in 1991 a clear quartz or another type of crystal?
Philip: It was a clear quartz crystal, although quite cloudy, and I still have it today! I work with it as my master healing crystal with all my clients and myself for meditation.
PJ: What do you think draws people to certain crystals? When selecting a crystal for oneself, should a person pick one out that has the healing properties they desire or more intuitively pick a crystal that calls to them?

Philip: There are lots of good crystal books around (I’ve written some of them myself 😉) where you can look up your symptoms and find suitable crystals to help. But, I believe that crystals come into their own when you allow them to heal the underlying causes of disease. Crystal Connections is all about connecting with crystals. People often say they are “drawn” to a crystal. Whether that’s because they are bright, sparkly, colorful, or there’s a feeling they get from the crystal, it doesn’t matter. It’s as if the crystal is calling out to you, and this is the crystal that will help you with whatever you are trying to do now. But you should also be aware of the crystals you can’t stand, too! The ones that make you feel sick when you hold them or you just are repulsed by their energy. These are touching something buried deep inside you that you don’t want to look at. These are the life-changing crystals!
PJ: You’ve written quite a few books on the topic of crystals, what inspired you to write Crystal Connections and how is it different from your other titles?
Philip: It’s the book I always wanted to write! It’s unique because I’m telling people that crystals are living beings and they communicate with us. Scientifically, crystals can indeed be classed as living as they fulfill the requirements of a living being: to eat, grow, and reproduce. And they talk to us in so many different ways. Understanding Crystal Speak is just like learning any foreign language, and Crystal Connections is full of practical exercises to awaken your senses and tune them into the language of crystals.
PJ: Do you feel people are becoming more open to alternative healing methods, such as using crystals for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual change?

Philip: Absolutely, yes! When I started 30 years ago, about 2% of the population in the UK, when surveyed, said they used any form of complementary healing or health product at all. Now, depending on which survey you read, up to 24 – 35% of the population ONLY use alternative health products and around 80% use some form of complementary health product or service.
When I started there were half a dozen professional crystal healers in the UK, today there are thousands.
The numbers are larger in the US.
PJ: What is the relationship between chakras and crystals? Do you feel it’s important for those working with crystal energy to be aware of their chakras, and vice versa for those doing energy work to be supported by crystals?
Philip: Crystals work independently from everything else. However, when we work consciously with crystals and focus our energy and intent for the same purpose, everything works better and quicker. The chakras function as energy hot spots. So when crystals are aligned with them, it makes all healing easier and more effective.

PJ: When writing your book, how did the messages from each crystal come through to you? Do you have advice for readers who hope to open the channel between themselves and crystals to better hear their wisdom?
Philip: Crystals just talk to me. I’m with them all day every day. Sometimes it’s loud and clear, other times it’s more of a feeling. We all sense crystal energy differently so there are practical exercises throughout Crystal Connections to help the reader open and develop their own channel and crystal listening skills in ways to best suit each individual.
PJ: And to wrap things up, out of curiosity, what is your favorite place in the world to acquire crystals? And do you have a favorite crystal?
Philip: I love the Tucson Gem Show in Arizona. It’s the biggest gem show by far in the world and you can find just about anything that exists on planet earth or even further afield such as meteorites, moon rock and Martian dust!
My favorite crystal changes from one day to another but right now it’s an aquamarine crystal I wear as a pendant that was made for me and helps me with communication… so that’s not greatly surprising as I’m writing this at this moment.
If you are eager to learn more about how crystals can enhance your life, Crystal Connections is a great place to start!

PJ Spur is an author, intuitive, spiritual mentor, astrologer, and hypnotist. She does tarot & oracle card readings, natal chart readings, grief coaching, and relationship healing. She also has hosted a weekly “Coffee & Cards” event with her Soul Compass Community for the past four years. Her book Navigating Grief with Grace is available on Amazon. Learn more at www.dearpj.com