Divine Codes Oracle, by Leah Shoman
Sacred Scribe Publishing, 9798218092085,46 cards, 80 pages, February 2024
From the shining, metallic type on the deck box to the rich colors of the floral and pop culture collage graphics, Divine Codes Oracle by Leah Shoman is truly a work of art. Within the deck, Shoman combines photos of roses with pianos and Buddhist monks with clouds. Landscapes pair with sky divers and children from the 1960’s play in the stratosphere. Her goal is simple with this deck: share love in all forms and with all people. She tells the reader on the inner lining of the deck’s box:
“I Love you, Sweet One. Pass this love on to all those you encounter, for you are the connection point. You are the point which tips the scales of balance between love and hate.”
Shoman is a crystal energy healer, author, and deck creator, who brings guidance from Spirit to her clients and readers. She has published numerous decks and books. She also has an online crystal shop where she offers crystals sourced from around the world. Learn more about her offerings on her Instagram.

For my first visit with the Divine Codes Oracle, I chose card #33 Sacred Realm. The card features a surfer and orca whales against the backdrop of a Buddhist temple and an eclipse in the sky. Unusual graphics for a message about the importance of tuning into your heart, but Shoman reminds us that we do not need a temple or church, just solitude and a connection to our inner self. In the guidebook, she marries the graphics and lines on the card with a suggestion to “feel the interconnectedness of it all.”1
I took the deck to my Friday Coffee & Cards group and asked each friend to pull a card. Everyone loved the deck! They complimented the colors and rich graphics. However, most of all, they appreciated the messages from Spirit that Shoman reveals.
My friend Paula drew a card that talks about self-acceptance. It highlights a heart that breaks open and then a Divine love that is “finding its way to fill crevices with pure golden light. Repairing, resolving, renewing.”2 Paula said, “I think I can feel that happening in my life right now!”
Another friend drew a card that suggested she start moving her body. It features two dancers and several butterflies. “Step out of your mind and into your heart. Move your body to shift your vibration and release any stagnant energy currently present,”3 the message says. She said that the message really hit home for her.
I really enjoyed working with this deck. I sent card messages to a few friends via text and each one really resonated with the message and the graphics. It seems to me that these cards are truly sourced from Divine wisdom and Shoman has a real way with words that focus on encouragement and healing. My favorite card in the deck is # 30 Bigger Picture:

“Zoom out. A shift in perspective is needed in this moment to gain clarity around a current situation you feel stuck in. You will never be free until you free yourself from the prison of your own false thoughts.”4
Shoman includes a table of contents, brief introduction, how to use the cards, and three different kinds of spreads. For the three-card spread, she presents five different ways to do a three-card spread. Her five-card spread presented a bit of a twist on what I’ve worked with in the past: “current overall energy; current concerns and complications; hidden factors; new ideas, people or things that can help you grow further; what you need to be more aware of within yourself.”5
This deck is a standard size for oracle decks and the card stock is a good weight. The cards are numbered and shuffle nicely, and I can tell they’ll hold up to frequent use. Along with the metallic imprint on the flip box that holds the set, the cards have a lavender metallic edge. The guidebook messages are clear and concise, in that Shoman keeps the guidance for most cards to a one-page limit. There are a few instances where she features a poem or other channeled guidance on the facing page.
I really like that the guidebook is printed in full color. The pages feature either a full-color thumbnail of the card and guidance or graphics that she has pulled from the cards. For the pages that feature her poems or prose, she prints on top of muted graphics. The paper stock for the guidebook is a nice weight and has a satin finish.

Divine Codes Oracle would be great for any level of oracle or tarot card reader. The guidance is simple to read and understand and you can even use the cards as a stand-alone message–the heart of the message is printed on each card. I plan to add this deck to my collection to use after an intuitive reading or natal chart reading for clients. It will make a nice way to close the session.
Shoman has created a beautiful deck that focuses on love and radiates the importance of self-love and self-acceptance. She sums it up in the introduction:
“Divine Codes Oracle is a deck about LOVE. You are called to hold the frequency of love. You are called to be the embodiment of love and anchor it into the Earth Plane. This deck is bringing forth pure love consciousness, for we as a collective need it now more than ever. It will attune to your energy when you hold it and it will tell you exactly what you need to hear in that moment”6

PJ Spur is an author, intuitive, spiritual mentor, astrologer, and hypnotist. She does tarot & oracle card readings, natal chart readings, grief coaching, and relationship healing. She also has hosted a weekly “Coffee & Cards” event with her Soul Compass Community for the past four years. Her book Navigating Grief with Grace is available on Amazon. Learn more at www.dearpj.com
[…] oracle deck creator. Other works of hers include Wild Lands Tarot, Crystal Rituals by the Moon, and Divine Codes Oracle. She also recently launched Sacred Scribe Publishing which publishes items that open doors of […]