Numerology Oracle, by Rosemaree Templeton
Rockpool Publishing, 192257953X, 96 pages, 36 cards, October 2024
Numerology Oracle by Rosemaree Templeton is an intriguing exploration into the mystical world of numerology, offering readers oracle guidance to understanding and utilizing the power of numbers in their daily lives. Templeton, an experienced numerologist, shares insight that is both accessible and engaging, appealing to both newcomers and seasoned enthusiasts of numerology.
“Just as our earth is a living, vibrating being, everything on it or in it is also living and vibrating at its own individual frequency. This includes our spirit friends — seen and unseen. Aso9i with all things in this universe, each of these spirit beings can be aligned with a number.”1

This deck really pops with its bright colors and intricate patterns. The card’s images feature intricate patterns of animals, ranging from monkeys to whales, unicorns to ladybugs. The color and animal have significances that blend together to lend another layer of meaning to each card that the reader is intended to intuitive. The number of the card stands in contrast to the pattern in big, bold, black text. The number is also written on the top and bottom of the card along with a one or two word card title. The cards are stimulating, so this something to keep in mind when working with the deck.
The guidebook is structured in a way that gradually introduces the reader to the fundamental concepts of numerology. Templeton shares how the deck came to be, a background on numerology, how to use the cards, and spreads that work well for the deck. There’s also a quick meditation offer for readers to get in a good frame of mind for reading the cards.

One thing that’s really interesting about this deck is that the numbers are not in chronological order. There are five card types: numerology, karmic, abundance, archangel, and ascended master cards. Templeton has chosen to separate numbers into these different categories based on her knowledge of the each number’s energetic frequency. This was a novel approach to numerology, and I think it makes for a real interesting oracle read.
Since the numbers do not go in order, readers need to rely on the table of contents in the guidebook to find their entry, or otherwise they can simply flip through until they find it. Every entry in the guidebook has a two-page of guidance bout the card’s message, but the focus of the messages change based on the category of the card.
The numerology card descriptions focus on why the reader may have pulled the card and actions it would be good, often involving working with or wearing a certain color. The archangel and ascended master card entries share about the energy of these divine beings, how they are showing up to support the reader, and insight on how to work with them. The karmic cards entries focus on areas of personal development on a soul-level, while the abundance cards share the wisdom gained from the symbols of wealth depicted on the card.

Templeton doesn’t really delve into why the number is representative of each energy, rather she focuses on communicating the energy in the form of an oracle guidance. Her style writing is clear and concise, making the message of each card very easy to understand and integrate into one’s life. She often offers a practical application for the card, opening readers to applying numerological concepts to real-life situations. This hands-on approach helps to reinforce learning and encourages readers to trust their intuition as they delve deeper into the world of numerology.
Overall, Numerology Oracle is a valuable resource for anyone interested in exploring the mystical and empowering world of numerology. Templeton successfully conveys the transformative potential of numerology as a tool for personal growth and self-discovery. With its blend of insightful theory and practical application, the book is sure to inspire readers to look beyond the ordinary and embrace the magic of numbers in their lives.

Alanna Kali is an astrologer, numerologist, and pioneer spirit that loves to explore life through the lens of depth psychology. She has a passion for studying the humanities and social trends. Her academic work is centered upon reuniting body, mind, and spirit through eco-psychology. She loves reading, spending time in nature, and travel.