The Aquarian Shaman: Walking the Spiral Path of Transformation, by Linda Star Wolf
Bear & Company, 1591435145, 192 pages, September 2024
The Aquarian Shaman: Walking the Spiral Path of Transformation by Linda Star Wolf is a captivating exploration of shamanic practices and their relevance in the modern age as humanity undergoes a major shift in consciousness. Star Wolf, a seasoned shamanic practitioner, presents a guide that combines ancient wisdom with contemporary insights, aiming to assist readers in navigating the transformative energies of the Aquarian age. Offering tools and practices to awaken reader’s inner Aquarian Shaman, Star Wolf serves as a midwife for others during this quantum shift.
Star Wolf begins the book with a heartfelt introduction that shares her background with shamanic work and what called her to write this book. She provides the context for her terms “Aquarian Shaman” and bridges the past and present of shamanic work, illuminating for readers the sacred history of shamanic elders she’s worked with, while also encouraging readers to follow present callings to undergo this inner journey for the purpose of creating a better world.
“For me, the Aquarian Shaman is one who humbly learns from the timeless, sacred wisdom passed to them by respected elders. The true Aquarian Shaman has also learned, or remembered, how to listen and to trust their inner healer and guide, and has found a path back to wholeness.”1
Central to the book is the concept of the Aquarian Age—a period characterized by rapid change and spiritual awakening. Star Wolf suggests that the energies of this age offer unique opportunities for transformation and healing. She encourages readers to embrace these energies, using them as a catalyst for personal evolution. Star Wolf teaches how becoming an Aquarius Shaman can assist readers in navigating the emergence of this new time, even contributing to its emergence by cultivate the inner sight that shifts collective awareness.
While the idea of becoming a shaman, something a highly revered position in many cultures, might seem like a daunting task, Star Wolf teaches tools to aid readers in reaching this level of consciousness and integrating their practice into their daily life with ease. Star Wolf delves deeply into shamanic technique, providing an overview of rituals, ceremonies, and tools that have been used by shamans for centuries. She teaches how these timeless techniques are just as potent today, providing a roadmap for embarking on their own shamanic journeys.
“As we move beyond relying solely on external authorities for answers, we’re now embracing the chance to find wisdom within and assume greater personal responsibility. In order to enable a massive Aquarian consciousness shift, a great number of us must take part in this profound evolution.”2
Star Wolf’s approach is both empowering and accessible, making the practices applicable to individuals at any stage of their spiritual journey. In “Section 2: Shamanic Medicine Tools and Practices” there are chapters dedicated to connecting with nature, opening one’s heart, being in circle with others, communing with sacred objects, creating meaningful altars, connecting with totem animals, and working with the medicine wheel. At the end of each chapter there is a “shamanic exercise” that readers can perform. The focus on this section is the external, while the following section focuses on internal tools. I found this distinction very useful when moving through the Aquarian Shamanic process.
“Section 3: The “Inner Tools” to Awaken the Aquarian Shaman Within” invites readers to use their imagination, one of the greatest tools we all have within; she especially focuses on the mythic imagination and the value of working with archetypes for transformation. Star Wolf also details the Shamanic Healing Initiatory Process (SHIP) she created in 2000 for those “seeking structured shamanic training.”3 This impactful process involves within with the archetypal energies and embodying the five elements (water, earth, fire, spirit, and air). This process culminates in an inner metamorphosis, similar to a kundalini awakening. As with the previous section, there are shamanic exercises readers can do for personal initiation.
Working with the elements in this way was a powerful experience. I really felt my relationship with them deepen, and I had different revelations with each one. I suggest taking one’s time moving through this section, as certain elements can be challenging for us, showing where we might need healing before we integrate the energy. It took me almost two weeks to feel ready to move to the final sixth step in the process. There’s absolutely no rush when undergoing this potent initiation process!
“A new heightened consciousness unfolds when we focus our imagination to access inward wisdom, surrender to the inner journey, and then take action steps in the outer world to achieve what we have imagined.”4
The final section, “Section 4: Shamanic Experiences for a Quantum Shift”, brings all that reader has learned into the wider world. Star Wolf shares co-creative ways for Aquarian Shamans to connect with each other, including Shamanic Breathwork (“a highly experiential, ceremonial process that uses deep, circular breathing combined with chakra-attuned music to stir up, activate, and liberate energy held in the chakras5), pilgrimage to sacred sites, and seeking out shamanic communities for further growth.
Overall, The Aquarian Shaman is a valuable resource for anyone interested in shamanic practices and spiritual growth. The book’s blend of ancient wisdom and modern insights makes it a relevant and inspiring guide for navigating the challenges and opportunities of the Aquarian Age. Whether you’re new to shamanism or a seasoned practitioner, this book offers valuable guidance on the path to personal and spiritual transformation. Star Wolf’s positive and encouraging tone inspires readers to pursue the path of the Aquarian Shaman with confidence, offering a path to change within and discover others on this path to build co-creative communities as a new age emerges.

Alanna Kali is an astrologer, numerologist, and pioneer spirit that loves to explore life through the lens of depth psychology. She has a passion for studying the humanities and social trends. Her academic work is centered upon reuniting body, mind, and spirit through eco-psychology. She loves reading, spending time in nature, and travel.