Through a Divine Lens: Practices to Quiet Your Ego and Align with Your Soul, by Sue Frederick
Park Street Press, 1644117320, 250 pages, June 2023
Imagine that someone were to ask you to tell your life story. How would it unfold? How would you view the health issues, job losses, relationship failures, and work challenges? Do you view the hardships as trials and tribulations with no meaning other than to impose torture upon you? Or, do you view them as ways to grow, to put you back on your true path that you might have strayed from? Through what lens are you viewing how your life is unfolding?
In her book, Through a Divine Lens: Practices to Quiet Your Ego and Align with Your Soul, Sue Frederick encourages the reader to remember that “every single soul comes here to learn and evolve.”1 She writes extensively about the two lenses from which we can view the opportunities and challenges that come into our life: the ego lens and the divine lens. The divine lens empowers, draws its wisdom from the soul, and shines light. The ego lens is based in fear, in scarcity, and is crippling. The divine lens sees all of us as one, while the ego separates.
Through telling her own personal story and those of others, Fredrick illuminates the benefits to viewing both what has happened in one’s life and what is currently happening through the divine lens. Doing so will not only bring us closer in alignment with divine love and support but will also cause us to become a more awakened being, enabled to “become a beacon of light for those who live in darkness.”2
The first part of the book deals with the ego lens versus the divine lens, touching on real-life issues such as anger and jealousy, anxiety and sadness, perfectionism and stress, addiction and its many forms, fear, and self-doubt. On each topic Frederick deftly touches on how the lens through which we are viewing each of the issues impacts our health, our happiness, and our alignment with a higher good. While it might not seems easy to do the turnaround to view these issues through a divine lens, she pointed shows us how living our life through the ego lens causes hurt, detachment, and continual movement away from our true, unique purpose that each of us has chosen to come to the dense realm of Earth to experience.
She doesn’t leave us to navigate this transformation of moving from ego lens to divine lens alone. She offers questions to ponder, ways to shift our view, and energy shifters. How does one use their pain as fuel? Frederick explains that in detail and offers ways to understand that “pain heals us by giving us a chance to refocus on what’s important: who and what we truly love, why we are here, and what great work will fulfill our Earth mission.”3
Earlier I asked you to think of your life story. Frederick moves the question a bit deeper, from the mundane to asking you to tell you your soul story. The shift is telling the story from a divine perspective versus an ego-based one.
“What moments do you recognize as gifts of opportunity and divine guidance that you did or did not recognize at the time?”4
The second part of the book details the gift of the divine lens including seeing death as transformation, how to use grief in a positive way, using one’s intuition as a guide, finding meaningful work, and returning to our sacred self. Again, Frederick offers guidance in ways that enable us to connect with our higher self, including self-questioning, monkey-mind quieting meditation, prayers, and the power of asking for divine guidance.
She is also a certified Soul Regression therapist. Of particular interest might be the past life regressions that she writes about centering around grief-shifting. Frederick offers a soul story of when she guided a woman about to enter treatment for leukemia to meet with her Council of Elders. She also provides a transcript of another session in which she guided a woman through a past life regression in order to foster self-love.
Frederick concludes the book with a section on numerology because as she writes, “Our souls choose the exact moment, place, and date of our birth because those coordinates create a unique vibration that aligns with our earth journey with what our soul came to experience. These coordinates are reflected in numerology and astrology.”5 She shows how to calculate our birth path number including whether or not we possess “master soul” numbers. She goes on to describe what the lessons and challenges of each birth number and the mission our soul intended to fulfill.
I first got to know Frederick through an intuitive and birth path session that she conducted for me decades ago. I’ve followed her work ever since then and can attest that she is an amazing numerologist and spiritual coach who freely shares her gifts. I’ve followed the twists and turns in her life since my first encounter with her and saw first-hand how she shifted challenges and life changes by using her diving lens.
I particularly liked how open and honest she was in recounting the challenges that she faced in life including death of loved ones, changes in careers, money issues, and real self-doubt. Frederick comes out on the other side by shifting the perspective from which she views her life – and that is the path that she encourages us to walk. And encouraging she is:
“It takes just baby steps to break a lifetime pattern of ego-and fear-based learning. Seeing just one painful moment through your divine lens changes everything.”6
I highly recommend Through a Divine Lens for those looking to see their life through a renewed perspective. If you read with an open heart what Frederick offers through her guidance and insight will truly change your life.

Anne Greco is a non-fiction writer who writes about her life experiences and travels with humor, keen observations, and the hope that her words will remind us that “we’re all just walking each other home.” Her book, Serendipity: Chance Pilgrimages, tells the story of Anne encountering her places of power. As she reconnects with herself at each site, Anne also develops a deeper understanding and appreciation of her connection to both the seen and unseen worlds. Learn more about her work here: http://annegrecowriter.com.