In creating the Magdalene Manifestation Cards, Danielle Rama Hoffman has brought keys and holograms for manifestation into the hands of everyone.
In creating the Magdalene Manifestation Cards, Danielle Rama Hoffman has brought keys and holograms for manifestation into the hands of everyone.
Ancient Goddess Magic by Vanessa Lavallée is a fascinating exploration into the world of goddess worship and astral magic.
The Forbidden Knowledge of the Book of Enoch by Harold Roth takes on the challenges of subject matter.
Josephine Wall’s Angelic Vibration Oracle invites readers to connect with angles through its splendid artwork and insightful messages.
Anna Stark and Louis Dyer have created a portal to divine guidance in Sacred Spirit Oracle.
In the rich set of 78 cards of The Westwood Tarot, Yasmeen Westwood and Kalliope have created a zoological treasure map for the Soul.
Dianna Rhyan has re-animated a lesser-known, inspirational woman in Pagan Portals – Mestra the Shapeshifter.
Lalania Simone has transformed the Rider-Waite Smith tradition into her own language in Tarot of the Cosmic Seed.
Oracle of Heaven and Hell by Travis McHenry is more than just a deck of cards; it’s a portal to the depths of the human soul.
Numerology Oracle by Rosemaree Templeton is an intriguing exploration into the mystical world of numerology.