Creatrix Awakened Oracle Deck: Fierce Feminine Frequency Leaders, by Shannon Van Den Berg with illustrations by Stephanie Wicker-Campbell
Muse Oracle Press, 0645885045, 126 pages, 33 cards, November 2024

Creatrix Awakened Oracle Deck: Fierce Feminine Frequency Leaders by Shannon Van Den Berg, with illustrations by Stephanie Wicker-Campbell, is a captivating and empowering tool for delving into the realms of divine feminine energy.  Designed to support “awakening leaders and visionary creators”1, this potent deck communicates frequencies to awaken, inspire, and support the change-makers of our times as they expand into new possibilities of becoming. The guidebook reads:

“Within these cards, you will find facets of leadership, embodiment, and liberation. Each card is infused with ancient and cosmic codes, designed to activate you and guide you through initiation, breakthroughs, deaths and rebirths.”2

This deck consists of absolutely beautifully illustrated cards, each one portraying a different archetype or aspect of the fierce feminine spirit. Stephanie Wicker-Campbell’s artwork is both vibrant and evocative, capturing the essence of each theme with bold colors and intricate details. Her illustrations serve as a visual meditation, drawing the user into a deeper connection with the card’s message. There’s a beauty and intensity within each card, showcasing the spiritual fierceness of the divine feminine.

Accompanying the deck is a guidebook authored by Shannon Van Den Berg, which provides insightful interpretations and practical guidance for each card. There are three types of cards in this deck: Activation, Wisdom, and Embodiment. Activation cards focus on sacred disruptor archetypes that are essential to the awakening process. Wisdom cards provide guidance about one’s soul mission. And the Embodiment cards offer insight of the divine feminine in the form of goddesses, priestesses, and archetypes.

The Wisdom cards are very unique because they were personally transmitted by sixteen featured authors who contributed to this deck. As a result, each entry in the guidebook differs a bit, depending on the message that came through for the featured author. In the back of the guidebook, there’s a profile on each of the sixteen authors, sharing their biography and website to learn more about their work.

For the rest of the cards–Activation and Embodiment–Van Den Berg’s writing is both accessible and profound, offering users a blend of ancient wisdom and modern spiritual practices to enhance their readings. The messages encourage self-reflection and personal growth, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to strengthen their intuition and embrace their personal power. For each card there is a description of the meaning, along with a journal prompt, practice to do, and mantra. 

The first card I pulled from this deck was Lineage Disruptor. I immediately resonated with this card, as I’m currently living with family and feel myself doing deep ancestral work, ranging from studying ancestral astrology to having the tough conversations about positive changes our family can make. It feels exhausting at times, but this card was instant confirmation that I am making a difference. The guidebook description for this card reads:

“This card symbolizes your sacred offerings for the generations to come, marking a significant era where strides are taken to disentangle and free lineages from antiquated and harmful patterns. As a lineage disruptor, you play a pivotal role in this transformative journey, standing at the crossroads of ancestral clear and the creation of a heart-centered path.”3

This is one of the activation cards, so I feel like it was a blessing on this path, further initiating me into the current spiritual path I am pursuing. I really enjoyed further exploring the energy of the card through the journal prompts, one of which reads “What ancestral patterns do you feel called to disrupt?”4 My journal session brought me a lot of clarity about my intention in communicating with my family and ancestors. I’ve been doing the practice every morning too, and I feel like this meditation is further awakening a new awareness in my energy field.

One of the standout features of this oracle deck is its focus on inclusivity and diversity. The cards depict women from various cultural backgrounds, celebrating the universal nature of feminine energy and leadership. This thoughtful representation makes the deck relatable to a wide audience, encouraging users to see themselves reflected in the cards.

Another thing I like about this deck is how the range of different cards makes for insightful readings. While there are suggested spreads, readers are definitely able to find their own style in working with the deck too. I’ve connected with the cards by doing single-card pulls daily and doing more intricate spreads. There’s a lot of energy coming through, but I feel like each time the messages easily blend together and are transmitted with clarity and precision.

Overall, the Creatrix Awakened Oracle Deck is a powerful tool for anyone seeking inspiration and empowerment from the divine feminine. Whether a seasoned oracle reader or a beginner, this deck offers a rich tapestry of wisdom and artistry that invites exploration and personal transformation. The creators–Van Den Berg, Wicker-Campbell, and their featured authors–have truly creatively captured incredible frequencies within this deck, opening the energetic pathway through their artwork and writing to share them with readers all over the world.

This is a gorgeous deck to come back to time and time again, as the activation and potential for growth are endless within each cycle of life. I love reading this deck and tuning into the powerful divine feminine energy it activates within myself, knowing there’s countless others all over the global also sharing in global awakening and healing taking place.


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