Seasons of the Witch: Mabon Oracle by Lorraine Anderson and Juliet Diaz is a beautifully crafted and thoughtfully designed deck.
Seasons of the Witch: Mabon Oracle by Lorraine Anderson and Juliet Diaz is a beautifully crafted and thoughtfully designed deck.
A Return to Radiancel by Becca Powers is an inspiring and practical guide for anyone looking to reignite their inner spark.
Shadow Work for the Soul bye Mary Mueller Shutan is a comprehensive guide discovering and integrating your shadow.
Encounters with Mermaids by William R. Mistele is more than just a book; it is a gateway to a world of wonder and introspection.
Tarot of the Unexplained by Davezilla is an intriguing blend of the high weird and the mysterious.
In Spirit Marriage, psychologist Dr. Megan Rose explores the cross-cultural phenomenon of mystical union with a spirit spouse.
Energy Magick by Mark DeCamp Jr. is a timely read in providing information that is relevant to every magickal practitioner.
The Hermetic Tree of Life by William R. Mistele is an immersive guide for those who are seeking divine embodiment by internalizing the Tree.
In Entering Hekate’s Cave, Dr. Cyndi Brannen guides readers through the tunnels of the Underworld to find the goddess within.
Travis McHenry has created an awesome tarot deck for those who love dark history with the Magicians, Martyrs, and Madmen Tarot.