Money and mysticism go hand in hand, although sometimes in a dispirited mindset we forget that. At its core, the flow of money is the flow of energy. What better tool to tap into this current than tarot cards? Not only can you get to the root of money block, you can also manifest sacred abundance by getting acquainted with the energies at play in your financial life. By calling in certain archetypal energies, you begin to align yourself with their unique wisdom and create this resonance into your own life. Here’s a list of 8 (power number in numerology!) tarot cards that you can work with to enhance your financial situation.

Discover your creativity with the Knight of Wands
The number one block to creativity is thinking things need to be done “a certain way” or you must be a professional in order to truly make art. This is a bunch of hocus locus and calling on the energy of the Knight of Wands can bring you the reckless abandonment needed to overcome the blocks of “I’m not enough” to rediscover your passion. When you are humming with the vibrancy of creative possibilities and singing the tune of the ever expansive universe, you naturally draw to you opportunities that are spiritually abundant. The material realm follows the cues of the spiritual realm and awakening your creativity it the quickest way to release stagnant energy and put you back in creative control of the masterpiece that is your life.

Strengthen your financial discipline with the Emperor
The next step your path to money success is to strength your financial discipline, and who better to help out than the regal, rule-regulating emperor to form those boundaries? Calling on the energy of the Emperor makes you think twice about “only spending $20..” to make more frugal choices. The best way to draw on the will power of the Emperor is to keep this card some place where you’ll see it daily. Perhaps on an dress in your room, the coffee table in the living room, or even the background of your phone. His stern gaze will quickly remind you of you task of redirecting your money flow into meaningful savings and investments.

Contemplate savings and investments with the 8 of Pentacles
One you’ve reigned in your spending habits a bit, it’s time to start thinking long-term. The 8 of Pentacles invites in the patience and dedication needed to establish long-term financial security. It’s tough when you’re in the prime of life to be thinking about retirement. You might be wondering if you’re career is even on track enough in this moment to ever see a day where you can enjoy the laurels of your success. And in reality, this is up to you and the work you do now. Connecting with the 8 of Pentacles awakens your ability to see the big picture and begin creating long-term grown and security for yourself. Whether your taking an investment class, researching retirement funds, or planning stock options, keep the 8 of Pentacles nearby to help you develop your financial expertise, avoid get-rich-quick methods, and honor your process of wealth building.

Stop self-sabotaging with the 8 of Swords
Now that you’ve really started to invest in yourself, it’s time do the shadow-work of uncovering those pesky financial habits that keep stagnating your growth. There’s no better card to get an honest awakening about your self-sabotaging behaviors than the 8 of Swords. This card holds the energy of your blindspots that keep you in misery, in which only you can free yourself from by using your wisdom to cut the ropes that bind you. Light a candle, get your paper and pen, have the 8 of Swords in front of you, and do an honesty check with yourself. Remember self-care is always essential when luring in our dark places, so be easy on yourself and know we all have our financial flaws.

Liberate your money beliefs with the Ace of Swords
Once you’ve seen the sticky beliefs you have that might be keep you from standing your full financial power, it’s time to do a money belief make-over with the Ace of Swords. Calling on this sharp energy helps you to develop a fresh perspective as you begin putting your new insights into action. Drawing on the energy of this card assists you in getting your mind right and comprehending the numbers to get your figures straight. This burst of energy connects you to your Higher Self and opens doors to new possibilities. You ARE making the right decisions and your breakthroughs are proof.

Find a new source of income with the 10 of Pentacles
Diverse streams of income is the key to financial security. Whether you have your stable career or already work multiple jobs. the 10 of Pentacles calls in new income sources for you. While it might not be the mega-millions, the energy of the 10 of Pentacles is sure to lead you to a community of people where you will thrive, be seen for what you have to offer, and appreciate the contribution you make. Not being in sync with the people you work with can be a huge energy drain and calling on this card will do the opposite and lead you to an exuberance of energy because you’re mingling with people who uplift and inspire you. Never underestimate the power of networking in finding your dream job – social capital!! Working with the energy of this card also helps you to discover unique ways you can contribute to your community in order to make a bit of side money.

Learn to follow your soul’s path with the High Priestess
The Universe wants you to succeed, and often in ways that are beyond what you can even imagine. At times, you might feel stuck in a position that is crush your spirit but paying the bills. This isn’t how you’re meant to live your life and abundance may allude you until you finally surrender to the intuition of your soul. Signs the way you make money are out of alignment are feeling drained, depressed, frustrated on a daily basis. You may compensate for these feelings through addictive behaviors or over-consumption of food, material goods, and alcohol. The High Priestess card brings you attention back inward to discover the one of a kind path of your spirit. As you begin to take the time to listen to your inner voice and make baby steps towards the intuitive hunches you receive, you’ll notice a chain of synchronistic events lining up to guides you to your next phase of financial evolution. Whenever you’re feeling lost, you can always come back to the gentle guidance of the High Priestess and reconnect to your inner knowing.

Embrace gratitude for your abundant lifestyle with the Queen of Pentacles
You’ve successfully turned your financial situation around now and it’s time to express your gratitude through the Queen of Pentacles. Seeing this archetype as yourself, you are reflected with gratefulness your spirit feels for taking this journey in the material plane. Inviting the energy of the Queen of Pentacles into your life shows that you’re serious about maintaining the financial shifts you’ve made, open to receiving many material blessings, and sharing them with others too. This card is symbolic of having gotten yourself into a position of overflowing abundance that now lets you help others. To bring this cycle full circle, donate to a cause or charity that is meaningful to you. This act of goodwill demonstrates your gratitude for the fortune you’ve created and also the ever-flowing movement of money that wants to go forward and help the next person. You’ve opened your channels and are now in tune with this flow, which grants you the ability to offer security to others, gratitude for the support, and abundance to appreciate.

Alanna Kali is an astrologer, numerologist, and pioneer spirit that loves to explore life through the lens of depth psychology. She has a passion for studying the humanities and social trends. Her academic work is centered upon reuniting body, mind, and spirit through eco-psychology. She loves reading, spending time in nature, and travel.