Raise Your Frequency, Transform Your Life by Selina Maitreya is a compelling guide to elevating one’s personal energy levels to achieve greater fulfillment.
Raise Your Frequency, Transform Your Life by Selina Maitreya is a compelling guide to elevating one’s personal energy levels to achieve greater fulfillment.
High Magic in the Age of Steam by Jeffrey S. Kupperman is an exploration of the steampunk aesthetic and Victorian esoteric practices.
Encounters with Mermaids by William R. Mistele is more than just a book; it is a gateway to a world of wonder and introspection.
Tarot of the Unexplained by Davezilla is an intriguing blend of the high weird and the mysterious.
The Writer Who Inhabits Your Body by Renée Gregorio is one of the most helpful books about improving your writing that I’ve ever encountered.
The Secret Language of Color Cards by Inna Segal is a prismatic oracle for helping readers consciously integrate the healing power of color.
The Dragon Riders Oracle by Christine Arana Fader and illustrated by Elena Dudina was the “in” that I needed to discover my own dragon and better understand their true nature.
Starlight Frequencies Oracle by Leah Shoman is a deck designed to bridge the current reality with the New World being formed.
For those who enjoy contemplating fate, perhaps even tempting it here and there, Wyrd Sisters by Casey Zabala is a true delight.
The Complete Book of Spiritual Astrology by Per Henrik Gullfoss is a beautiful book that takes readers on a magnificent journey through the zodiac.