Quest for the Enlightened Feminine by Anna Howard is a personal journey of the author searching for the feminine aspect of the Divine.

Quest for the Enlightened Feminine by Anna Howard is a personal journey of the author searching for the feminine aspect of the Divine.
In creating Sister of the Fae Oracle Deck, Ashley Frost and Leah Shoman have combined ethereal artwork with messages from the divine wisdom of fairies.
Darragh Mason’s Song of the Dark Man beckons readers down a crooked, thorn-riddled forest path to meet the Devil at the crossroads.
In The Secret Life of Mother Mary Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D. brings new insight about the divine nature of Mother Mary.
In Dance of the Sun Goddess, author Kenneth Johnson introduces readers to a vivacious pantheon of Baltic deities.
In The Way of the Will: Thelema in Action, author Dr. David Shoemaker provides Thelemic exercises for spiritual growth.
Nicolette Miele’s Runes for the Green Witch, the twenty-four Elder Futhark runes become energetic keys that unlock the secrets of herbal medicine and magic.
The Hermetic Tree of Life by William R. Mistele is an immersive guide for those who are seeking divine embodiment by internalizing the Tree.
In Entering Hekate’s Cave, Dr. Cyndi Brannen guides readers through the tunnels of the Underworld to find the goddess within.
I highly recommend Censored Angel by Zara West to those interested in spiritualism and feminism.