A Confluence of Witches, edited by Casey Zabala, brings together a diverse array of voices within the contemporary witchcraft community.
A Confluence of Witches, edited by Casey Zabala, brings together a diverse array of voices within the contemporary witchcraft community.
Secrets of Romani Fortune-Telling by Jezmina Von Thiele and Paulina Stevens is a compelling exploration into the rich and often secret world of Romani divination practices.
In Witchcraft, Grimassi explores the myths and universal deity archetypes at the core of the Mysteries.
Albert Björn’s Icelandic Folk Magic is a deep dive into the magic that has its basis in the folklore the enigmatic place called Iceland.
Author Marc. J. Gian shares his “dream toolbox” with readers in his book entitled Your Dream Handbook.
Season of the Witch: Imbolc Oracle by Lorraine Anderson and Juliet Diaz perfectly captures the gentle energy of this sabbat.
The Secret Language of Color Cards by Inna Segal is a prismatic oracle for helping readers consciously integrate the healing power of color.
With her set of Faerie Wisdom oracle cards, creator Gillian Kemp takes us into magical lands.
Seiðr Magic by Dean Kirkland, Ph.D. is a wonderful blend of rigorous scholarship and creative heathen reconstruction.
Stephanie Donaldson’s The Mindful Garden joins the list of items that bring a sense of peace and serenity into my life.