Bog Witch by Mab Jones is a poetic and beautifully weaved piece of work that blends memoir, environmental awareness, and folklore.

Bog Witch by Mab Jones is a poetic and beautifully weaved piece of work that blends memoir, environmental awareness, and folklore.
Land Healing by Dana O’Driscoll is a valuable resource for those seeking to deepen their relationship with the natural world.
In the rich set of 78 cards of The Westwood Tarot, Yasmeen Westwood and Kalliope have created a zoological treasure map for the Soul.
Year of the Dark Goddess by Lara Vesta is a rich read that requires the courage to face those aspects of self that we tend to overlook.
Albert Björn’s Icelandic Folk Magic is a deep dive into the magic that has its basis in the folklore the enigmatic place called Iceland.
Reading Spinning Spells, Weaving Wonders by Patricia Telesco has been the boost I needed to spur on my creativity and reconnect with my magic practice.
Alive with Spirits by Althaea Sebastiani is a profound exploration into the world of animistic witchcraft.
The Occult Sylvia Plath by Julia Gordan-Bramer is a spellbinding biography documenting that reveals a hidden layer of meaning in Plath’s writing.
From Elder to Ancestor by S. Kelley Harrell is an important read if we wish to understand how each of us is an important piece of a much larger puzzle.
The Hedge Witch’s Hearth by Heliodor Press is a captivating guide for blending the mundane and magical aspects of tending to one’s home.