In Stars, Cards and Stones, Kooch N. Daniels invites readers on an intricate voyage through the realms of astrology, tarot, and runes.

In Stars, Cards and Stones, Kooch N. Daniels invites readers on an intricate voyage through the realms of astrology, tarot, and runes.
Daniel Odier has detailed and explained each technique of the Kaula Tantra in his book The Royal Path of Shakti.
Wiccan Self-care Spells by Cerridwen Greenleaf is a charming guide for anyone interested in integrating magical practices into their self-care routine.
Paul Wyld’s Jim Morrison, Secret Teacher of the Occult offers a fresh perspective on this legendary rock star.
The Intuition Bible by Happy Ali is a valuable resource for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of intuition.
Written in the Stars by Kate Rose is one of the most best books I’ve ever read on the topic of romance and astrology.
A Return to Radiancel by Becca Powers is an inspiring and practical guide for anyone looking to reignite their inner spark.
Blackthorn’s Book of Sacred Plant Magic by Amy Blackthorn is perfect for working with botanicals and exploring the plant kingdom.
Albert Björn’s Icelandic Folk Magic is a deep dive into the magic that has its basis in the folklore the enigmatic place called Iceland.
The Occult Sylvia Plath by Julia Gordan-Bramer is a spellbinding biography documenting that reveals a hidden layer of meaning in Plath’s writing.