High Magic in the Age of Steam by Jeffrey S. Kupperman is an exploration of the steampunk aesthetic and Victorian esoteric practices.
High Magic in the Age of Steam by Jeffrey S. Kupperman is an exploration of the steampunk aesthetic and Victorian esoteric practices.
The Occult Sylvia Plath by Julia Gordan-Bramer is a spellbinding biography documenting that reveals a hidden layer of meaning in Plath’s writing.
The Jolanda Witch Tarot by Rosie Bjorkman draws upon is charged with whimsy, wisdom, fantasy, and magic.
Sophie Saint Thomas’s book Glamour Witch is an exploration into the world of glamour magic and how it can be used on a daily basis.
In Astrology of the Shadow Self, Maria D’Aoust teaches readers how to discover the shadows of their natal places.
The Magdalene Frequency: Become the Love You Are Not the Love You Seek by Adele Venneri was not at all what I was expecting, and I am so glad it wasn’t.
Secrets of Santa Muerte: A Guide to the Prayers, Spells, Rituals, and Hexes by Cressida Stone is a comprehensive guide to working with the skeleton saint.
Throwing Bones, Crystals, Stones, and Curios by Mystic Dylan guides readers on a journey through the mystical art of casting and interpreting symbols.
In Cats: Keepers of the Spirit World, author John A. Rush, Ph.D., N.D., explores humanity’s complex relationship with cats as both pets and spirit animals.
Sacramental Theurgy for Witches by Frater Barrabbas is not for the faint of heart or those who think of witchcraft as a passing phase.