A Confluence of Witches, edited by Casey Zabala, brings together a diverse array of voices within the contemporary witchcraft community.
A Confluence of Witches, edited by Casey Zabala, brings together a diverse array of voices within the contemporary witchcraft community.
Judika Illes’ latest book Witches: A Compendium offers a fascinating exploration of the subject, from ancient times to modern day.
In Witchcraft, Grimassi explores the myths and universal deity archetypes at the core of the Mysteries.
Living Conjure by Mama Starr Casas is a valuable guide that can help you reclaim your roots and tap into that subterranean current of power.
Albert Björn’s Icelandic Folk Magic is a deep dive into the magic that has its basis in the folklore the enigmatic place called Iceland.
Alive with Spirits by Althaea Sebastiani is a profound exploration into the world of animistic witchcraft.
Energy Magick by Mark DeCamp Jr. is a timely read in providing information that is relevant to every magickal practitioner.
In Dance of the Sun Goddess, author Kenneth Johnson introduces readers to a vivacious pantheon of Baltic deities.
Witchcraft and the Shamanic Journey by Kenneth Johnson fills in the gaps of knowledge that are missing in mainstream pop culture witchcraft.
If you’re ready to turn your magical prowess to manifesting money, The Witch’s Way to Wealth by Jessie DaSilva is a must-have resource.