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Search Results for: natural world

The Lotus and the Bud, by Christopher Kilham

The Lotus and the Bud: Cannabis, Consciousness, and Yoga Practice by Christopher S. Kilham is a wonderful guide to deepening one’s explorations into the expanded states of consciousness offered through yoga practice.

Oracle Deck Reviews

Sacred Hags Oracle, by Danielle Dulsky Sacred Hags Oracle: Visionary Guidance for Dreamers, Witches, and Wild Hearts by Danielle Dulsky and illustrator Janine Houseman puts a new spin on oracle decks….→ Read More Alanna KaliApril 16, 2021 Kabbalah: The Tree …

Reflections on Pilgrimage

What if we turned the concept of pilgrimage around to embrace those places that nourish our spirit with transformative effects? How can we learn to pay attention to those places that we visit intentionally, and also by happenstance, that upon reflection we come to see how they spoke to us on a deep level?

Relaxation For Your Sun Sign

Everyone has their own ways of dealing with stress — you certainly know the habits that come out when it’s running high! Rather than defaulting to your usual patterns of coping, you can find new, constructive ways to navigate stress based on your astrology sign.

Celebrating the Yuletide with Downhome Mystic

Now is the time to get creative, consider what is meaningful to you (and your family), and create a celebration that best fits your needs and wants. A Yuletide celebration can range from an elaborate gathering to a bath time ritual to a simple altar created at the foot of a pine tree.

Winter, by Jo Graham

I was intrigued by the title of this book and looked forward to diving into it to familiarize myself with the saeculum in general — the season of Winter specifically. I had no knowledge of the concept of the saeculum, first mentioned by the Etruscans but also written about by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Saeculum roughly translates into the expected lifetime of an individual (80 years).

Dreams, by Mary Phelan

I decided to read Dreams: Exploring uncharted depths of consciousness by Mary Phelan because I’m in the midst of an 8-week course with Robert Moss, a pioneer writer in the field of dreams, and am finding myself seeking other perspectives to supplement what I’m learning.

The Heart Path Oracle Cards, by Nadine Gordon-Taylor

The Heart Path Oracle Cards tell stunning, evocative stories through rich imagery. Nadine Gordon-Taylor, artist and author, offers us the beauty of the natural and the mythic world with incredible technical skill and a visceral understanding of color. Each of these 53 cards holds the galaxy within them.