In Daily Light Affirmation Deck, Joanna Hunter combines vibrant light codes and beautiful art with positive affirmations to support you.

In Daily Light Affirmation Deck, Joanna Hunter combines vibrant light codes and beautiful art with positive affirmations to support you.
In the Daily Light Gratitude Journal, Joanna Hunter channels beautiful messages from the collective consciousness she calls Skyler.
In Dance of the Sun Goddess, author Kenneth Johnson introduces readers to a vivacious pantheon of Baltic deities.
Seiðr Magic by Dean Kirkland, Ph.D. is a wonderful blend of rigorous scholarship and creative heathen reconstruction.
Witchcraft and the Shamanic Journey by Kenneth Johnson fills in the gaps of knowledge that are missing in mainstream pop culture witchcraft.
Throwing Bones, Crystals, Stones, and Curios by Mystic Dylan guides readers on a journey through the mystical art of casting and interpreting symbols.
Sarah-Beth Watkins’s The Five-Minute Druid: Connection Made Easy is filled with ideas for those short moments I have to spare to dedicate to my craft.
Witchcraft on a Shoestring by Deborah Blake is a really fun read for those looking to do more for less.
The Complete Book of Spiritual Astrology by Per Henrik Gullfoss is a beautiful book that takes readers on a magnificent journey through the zodiac.
Alvarado’s passion for her craft and devotion to Marie Laveau shines through in The Marie Laveau Grimoire.