The Jolanda Witch Tarot by Rosie Bjorkman draws upon is charged with whimsy, wisdom, fantasy, and magic.
The Jolanda Witch Tarot by Rosie Bjorkman draws upon is charged with whimsy, wisdom, fantasy, and magic.
In Dance of the Sun Goddess, author Kenneth Johnson introduces readers to a vivacious pantheon of Baltic deities.
The Easy Way to Learn Astrology highlights Alison Chester-Lambert’s innovative approach for understanding the basics of one’s natal chart.
In The Way of the Will: Thelema in Action, author Dr. David Shoemaker provides Thelemic exercises for spiritual growth.
Sacred Geometry in Ancient Goddess Cultures by Richard Heath embarks on an exploratory journey into the sacred geometry origins within ancient goddess cultures.
In Astrology of the Shadow Self, Maria D’Aoust teaches readers how to discover the shadows of their natal places.
Starlight Frequencies Oracle by Leah Shoman is a deck designed to bridge the current reality with the New World being formed.
As a tarot enthusiast and reader for twenty years, I was excited to learn about the publication of Rachel Pollack’s revised deck The Shining Tribe Tarot.
Alvarado’s passion for her craft and devotion to Marie Laveau shines through in The Marie Laveau Grimoire.
Galactic Guides Oracle by Victoria Maxwell is a really amazing way to connect with the celestial energies.