In The Way of the Will: Thelema in Action, author Dr. David Shoemaker provides Thelemic exercises for spiritual growth.
In The Way of the Will: Thelema in Action, author Dr. David Shoemaker provides Thelemic exercises for spiritual growth.
Tarot Meditations by Heliodor Press is a wonderful resource for those looking to connect with the cards from within.
The Ocean Spirit Oracle by Kristine Pidkameny is a captivating tool for those seeking insight and guidance from the depths of the ocean’s wisdom and their inner knowing.
Lessons from the Afterlife by Mattew McKay helps readers answer the deep questions about life after death and our purpose here.
The Wealthy Woman Oracle by Taylor Eaton is a must-have for those seeking to open their channels of prosperity and abundance.
In her book Walking with the Seasons, Alice Peck provides lots of activities and suggestions for getting out in nature.
Sarah-Beth Watkins’s The Five-Minute Druid: Connection Made Easy is filled with ideas for those short moments I have to spare to dedicate to my craft.
The Yoni Egg by Lila Macé opened me to see the way yoni eggs can be physically, emotionally, and spiritually healing.
The Complete Book of Spiritual Astrology by Per Henrik Gullfoss is a beautiful book that takes readers on a magnificent journey through the zodiac.
Astrolations! by Jill Carr is an immensely insightful guide to the unique blend of Western and Chinese astrology that shapes personality.