In Celebrity Spirit Oracle: Inspiring Messages From the Famous Icons, Kerrie Erwin channels the wisdom of some of the most beloved celebrities of our time.

In Celebrity Spirit Oracle: Inspiring Messages From the Famous Icons, Kerrie Erwin channels the wisdom of some of the most beloved celebrities of our time.
I was thrilled when my Hadean partner surprised me with Persephone’s Oracle by Jennifer Heather as an Autumn Equinox gift.
The Inner Compass Oracle by Dana Whitby is a beautiful deck of 48 jewel-toned cards with a companion guide book that shares wisdom for life.
Wiccan Teas and Brews by Cerridwen Greenleaf is a captivating and irresistible resource for anyone interested in the magical world of Wiccan tea magic.
Untamed Spirit Animal Oracle by Francesca Matteoni will catalyze within its user a call to the stream of animal spirit that resides within all sentient life on our planet.
Jessica Howard has provided a blueprint for inviting the element water into personal practice in Pagan Portals – The Water Witch.
When I picked up The Mythic Goddess Tarot by Jayne Wallace, I was immediately drawn to its gentle, intuitive energy that radiates feminine power.
Pearson thoroughly educates the reader to give a full-spectrum education into flower essences in Flower Essences from the Witch’s Garden.
Medium Mentor by MaryAnn DiMarco is filled with the guidance my spirit needed to take my psychic abilities to the next level.
A Spellbook for the Seasons by Tudrobeth is a companion to the seasons that will greatly enhance your experiences and show you in so many ways how we are connected to the natural world.