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Search Results for: psychic

Magical Tarot, by Madame Pamita

Reading Magical Tarot by Madame Pamita has been an opportunity to slow down my readings and truly connect with what is being depicted in the imagery.

The Eye Evil, by Antonio Pagliarulo

The Evil Eye: The History, Mystery, and Magic of the Quiet Curse by Italian folk magic practitioner Antonio Pagliarulo is a manual on psychic protection that teaches you how to detect, banish, and prevent the malison of the Evil Eye.

Heal the Witch Wound, by Celeste Larsen

Heal the Witch Wound by Celeste Larsen is an excellent book for those who feel they cannot ‘come out’ as a practitioner of magic and who feel they need to stifle themselves in order to fit it.

Horns of the Goddess, by Dolores Cannon

Horns of the Goddess by Dolores Cannon is an interesting exploration of the concept of past lives and the impact that information may carry within the greater scientific and spiritual communities of the present.