In Manifest Your Everything: Love yourself and create your dream life, Nicci Roscoe assures us that with the right mindset we can change our lives to match our dreams.

In Manifest Your Everything: Love yourself and create your dream life, Nicci Roscoe assures us that with the right mindset we can change our lives to match our dreams.
Mindful Homes: Create Healing Living Spaces with Mindfulness and Feng Shui by Anjie Cho is an amazing resource for those seeking a change in how they live and the spaces they inhabit.
Ancestral Grimoire by Nancy Hendrickson is filled with practices to discover your own personal magic while strengthening the connection with your ancestors.
After reading The Big Book of Candle Magic, I continue to carry with me Aunt Jackie’s words that magic demands change.
I love to “hygge” in the winter but I also want to bring it into my life in the summer. Can it be done? Absolutely!
I highly recommend Brigid’s Light, edited by Cairelle Crow and Laura Louella, both as a way to get to know the multi-faceted Brigid and for the ways that you can invite her to walk life’s path with you.
Your Magickal Year: Transform your life through the seasons of the zodiac by Melinda Lee Holm is the perfect book to use as guidance when cultivating a magical lifestyle.
Angels in Waiting: How to Reach Out to Your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides by Robbie Holz with Judy Katz is the perfect reminder of the ample assistance available to us, if we just remember to ask.
Pagan Portals – Sekhmet by Olivia Church is one of those titles that seems synchronistically to appear exactly when it is needed, much like the Goddess Sekhmet Herself.
Sacred Symbol Magic by Sarah Bartlett brings to light and life the power of symbols and their application to a sustainable and growth-filled magical and spiritual practice.