The Ofrenda Oracle by Nancy Hendrickson and Carrie Paris is a beautiful deep dive into the world of divination, spirituality, and ancestor reverence.
The Ofrenda Oracle by Nancy Hendrickson and Carrie Paris is a beautiful deep dive into the world of divination, spirituality, and ancestor reverence.
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Tarot by Nick Lawyer is a beautifully crafted deck that will appeal to both tarot readers and literary enthusiasts alike.
Wise Woman Oracle by Cheyenne Zarate is the perfect deck to reconnect with one’s wild spirit.
Elemental Spirits by Jaq D. Hawkins is a fascinating journey into the world of animism and elemental magic.
Paranormal Perspectives: One Big Box of ‘Paranormal Tricks’? by John Fraser invites readers to explore the mysteries of the unknown.
Darragh Mason’s Song of the Dark Man beckons readers down a crooked, thorn-riddled forest path to meet the Devil at the crossroads.
Kris Spisak’s Becoming Baba Yaga is a masterful exploration of the Slavic crone.
Blackthorn’s Book of Sacred Plant Magic by Amy Blackthorn is perfect for working with botanicals and exploring the plant kingdom.
Encounters with Mermaids by William R. Mistele is more than just a book; it is a gateway to a world of wonder and introspection.
Albert Björn’s Icelandic Folk Magic is a deep dive into the magic that has its basis in the folklore the enigmatic place called Iceland.