In Cats: Keepers of the Spirit World, author John A. Rush, Ph.D., N.D., explores humanity’s complex relationship with cats as both pets and spirit animals.

In Cats: Keepers of the Spirit World, author John A. Rush, Ph.D., N.D., explores humanity’s complex relationship with cats as both pets and spirit animals.
In Entering Hekate’s Cave, Dr. Cyndi Brannen guides readers through the tunnels of the Underworld to find the goddess within.
Sacramental Theurgy for Witches by Frater Barrabbas is not for the faint of heart or those who think of witchcraft as a passing phase.
In The Torch of Brighid: Flametending for Transformation, author Erin Aurelia takes us into the realm of the Goddess.
In Theurgy, Theory & Practice, author P.D. Newman supplies a solid scholarly background on the development of theurgical practices.
Douglas Charles Hodgson highlights experiences from people who have had NDEs in Spiritual Revelations from Beyond the Veil.
Bones and Honey: A Heathen Prayer Book by Danielle Dulsky gives voice to prayers we didn’t even know we needed.
In Soul Journey through the Tarot, John Sandbach shares his own unique magical system, co-created with his spirit guides and inspired by over 50 years of studying tarot.
In Tarot Life Lessons, Julia Gordon-Bramer endeavors to “heal the world”[efn_note]page 5[/efn_note] with her personal stories and those of her clients from 40 years of tarot card readings.
Sit down and clear your lap to make room for Ellen Evert Hopman’s The Sacred Herbs of Yule and Christmas.