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Search Results for: mars

Becoming a Garment of Isis, by Naomi Ozaneic

Becoming a Garment of Isis: A Nine-Stage Initiatory Path of Egyptian Spirituality by Naomi Ozaneic is one of those rare reads that emanates its energy and power simply by the calling of its title.

Oracle Kit Reviews

Most tarot, rune sets, and oracle decks come as kits: cards or stones with an accompanying book that explains the origins of the system and its symbolism. The review should give a sense of the oracle: what it’s like, the …

Winter, by Jo Graham

I was intrigued by the title of this book and looked forward to diving into it to familiarize myself with the saeculum in general — the season of Winter specifically. I had no knowledge of the concept of the saeculum, first mentioned by the Etruscans but also written about by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Saeculum roughly translates into the expected lifetime of an individual (80 years).

Astrology’s Higher Octaves, by Greg Bogart, Ph.D.

The content of this book is so utterly refreshing to me because of the unique viewpoints Bogart puts forth about the practice of astrology and all its potential for personal growth, spiritual awakening, and aligned living. By the end, the reader gains an understanding of how astrology can tap us into the imaginal realm and also be the best guide for structuring our daily lives.