Decode Tarot: Master Meanings, Reversals, and Combinations is incredibly insightful and takes the reader on a journey of self-discovery using tarot.

Decode Tarot: Master Meanings, Reversals, and Combinations is incredibly insightful and takes the reader on a journey of self-discovery using tarot.
Temple of the Stars by Martin Goldsmith is a comprehensive and captivating exploration of the astrological decans.
Dwina Murphy-Gibb has created a masterful tarot deck with influences from the Vedic, Irish, Qabbalistic, and Rider-Waite-Smith traditions in The Vedic Tarot.
Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold’s Invisible Fire offers a profound exploration of the starlit river of ancient wisdom that connects the diverse tributaries of Western spirituality.
Year of the Dark Goddess by Lara Vesta is a rich read that requires the courage to face those aspects of self that we tend to overlook.
Judika Illes’ latest book Witches: A Compendium offers a fascinating exploration of the subject, from ancient times to modern day.
Kris Spisak’s Becoming Baba Yaga is a masterful exploration of the Slavic crone.
I was thrilled when my Hadean partner surprised me with Persephone’s Oracle by Jennifer Heather as an Autumn Equinox gift.
Phoenixes and Angels by Carmen Turner-Schott is a really interesting take on the eighth and twelfth house.
In The First Female Pharaoh: Sobekneferu, Goddess of the Seven Stars, author Andrew Collins does rigorous archaeological detective work.