Anubis by Charlie Larson is a refreshing and informative read about an Egyptian deity.

Anubis by Charlie Larson is a refreshing and informative read about an Egyptian deity.
Spirit of the Drum Oracle by Flavia Kate Peters and Barbara Mieklefree-John is a powerful tool for anyone seeking to connect to universal wisdom.
Wiccan Self-care Spells by Cerridwen Greenleaf is a charming guide for anyone interested in integrating magical practices into their self-care routine.
Brandi Amara Skyy’s Magick for Transformation offers readers all they need to change their lives and move in a new direction.
The Bloodlands Oracle is a valuable tool for self-discovery that reminds us of the benefits of exploring a variety of inner and outer landscapes.
Dwina Murphy-Gibb has created a masterful tarot deck with influences from the Vedic, Irish, Qabbalistic, and Rider-Waite-Smith traditions in The Vedic Tarot.
The Tameless Path by Kamden Cornell is perfect for those who are interested in the path of herbology and want to deepen the practice.
Leigh Podgorski has combined a lush garden of beautiful flowers, diverse feminine forms, and guidance from Mother Earth to create The Flowerwise Oracle.
Wise Woman Oracle by Cheyenne Zarate is the perfect deck to reconnect with one’s wild spirit.
Dianna Rhyan has re-animated a lesser-known, inspirational woman in Pagan Portals – Mestra the Shapeshifter.