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Search Results for: rituals

Mythology for a Magical Life, by Ember Grant

From its gorgeous cover art to its lovely conclusion, Ember Grant’s Mythology for a Magical Life: Stories, Rituals & Reflections to Inspire Your Craft will leave you enchanted, challenged, inspired, soothed, and satisfied.

Winter, by Jo Graham

I was intrigued by the title of this book and looked forward to diving into it to familiarize myself with the saeculum in general — the season of Winter specifically. I had no knowledge of the concept of the saeculum, first mentioned by the Etruscans but also written about by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Saeculum roughly translates into the expected lifetime of an individual (80 years).

Magical Self-Care for Everyday Life, by Leah Vanderveldt

Magical Self-Care for Everyday Life by Leah Vanderveldt is an amazingly comprehensive book that introduces readers to the myriad of ways that self-care can be practiced in our daily life. Leah has a wealth of experience in this topic as a wellness and nutrition expert.

Kinesic Magic, by Donald Tyson

I’ve occasionally found books on mudras for the astrological signs, and I also am familiar with the correspondence between body parts and zodiac signs, but never had I discovered a method to blend it all together. This is why I absolutely love Kinesic Magic: Channeling Energy with Postures & Gestures, in which Donald Tyson has created a comprehensive guide that shifts the practice of magic from complex rituals in arcane grimoires to the bare essential of one’s body.

Badass Ancestors, by Patti Wigington

Within minutes of picking up Badass Ancestors: Finding Your Power with Ancestral Guides by Patti Wigington, I felt compelled to reactivate my ancestry.com account. As someone interested in working with ancestors, I found this book to be helpful in clearing away the noise and getting down to it

Elemental Magic, by Nigel Pennick

Nigel Pennick’s Elemental Magic: Traditional Practices for Working with the Energies of the Natural World contains multitudes. There is so much depth and wisdom here for you to explore, experiment, and deepen your magic.

Protection Charms, by Tania Ahsan

To truly master yourself, you must learn to cultivate, share, and protect their energy with intention. This is why Protection Charms: Harness Your Energy Force To Guard Against Psychic Attack by Tania Ahsan is a must-have for anyone who wants to stay in their own vibe and actively cultivate good energy to keep them aligned.