Your Book of Shadows by Cerridwen Greenleaf is a compelling guide for those embarking on or furthering their journey into the realm of witchcraft.

Your Book of Shadows by Cerridwen Greenleaf is a compelling guide for those embarking on or furthering their journey into the realm of witchcraft.
Daniel Odier has detailed and explained each technique of the Kaula Tantra in his book The Royal Path of Shakti.
Wiccan Crystals by Cerridwen Greenleaf is a nifty guide to using crystals for magical and spiritual goals.
Looking for a charm guide to magic? A Witch’s Book of Wisdom by Patricia Tesleco is just for you!
Magdalene’s Ascension by Annine Van Der Meer, Ph.D., is a deep dive into early Christianity and the role Mary Magdalene had within it.
The Poison Path Grimoire by Coby Michael is beyond useful and a must for anyone interested in baneful herbs.
Guardian Angels by Jacky Newcomb is perfect for anyone who is interested in fostering a better relationship with their own angel.
Ancient Goddess Magic by Vanessa Lavallée is a fascinating exploration into the world of goddess worship and astral magic.
Anubis by Charlie Larson is a refreshing and informative read about an Egyptian deity.
Spirit of the Drum Oracle by Flavia Kate Peters and Barbara Mieklefree-John is a powerful tool for anyone seeking to connect to universal wisdom.