Healing through Sound by Vickie Dodd is perfect for those looking to bring sound into their healing body work practice.

Healing through Sound by Vickie Dodd is perfect for those looking to bring sound into their healing body work practice.
The intention of The Medicine Wheel by Barry Goddard is to remind humanity of the intimate connection we have with nature and the cosmos.
Embody Your Inner Goddess: A Guided Journey to Radical Wholeness by Lauren Leduc is a gateway for readers to deepen their spiritual connection to themselves.
Sacred Geometry in Ancient Goddess Cultures by Richard Heath embarks on an exploratory journey into the sacred geometry origins within ancient goddess cultures.
The Dragon Riders Oracle by Christine Arana Fader and illustrated by Elena Dudina was the “in” that I needed to discover my own dragon and better understand their true nature.
Seiðr Magic by Dean Kirkland, Ph.D. is a wonderful blend of rigorous scholarship and creative heathen reconstruction.
Nicolette Miele’s Runes for the Green Witch, the twenty-four Elder Futhark runes become energetic keys that unlock the secrets of herbal medicine and magic.
Witchcraft and the Shamanic Journey by Kenneth Johnson fills in the gaps of knowledge that are missing in mainstream pop culture witchcraft.
Starlight Frequencies Oracle by Leah Shoman is a deck designed to bridge the current reality with the New World being formed.
The Magdalene Frequency: Become the Love You Are Not the Love You Seek by Adele Venneri was not at all what I was expecting, and I am so glad it wasn’t.