Pagan Portals – The Norns by Irisyana Moon is a book that shifts one’s perspective from fearing Fate to embracing the mystery of our collective multiverse.

Pagan Portals – The Norns by Irisyana Moon is a book that shifts one’s perspective from fearing Fate to embracing the mystery of our collective multiverse.
In The Rosebud Tarot, Diana Rose Harper and Amanda Stilwell have created a beautiful deck of cards that captures a new way to look at Rider-Waite-Smith symbology.
Undreaming Wetiko by Paul Levy is an essential text for those who are deep-diving into shadow work and healing ancestral trauma.
For those of you ready to delve into the secrets of sorcery and explore the fascinating world of magic, Real Sorcery is a wonderful place to begin.
After following Theresa Reed, AKA “The Tarot Lady” for a number of years, I was thrilled to see The Cards You’re Dealt!
Meeting the Shadow on the Spiritual Path will be enjoyed by the serious meditation student, teacher, or anyone who has an interest in the holiness of meditation.
In Through a Divine Lens, Sue Frederick encourages the reader to remember that souls come here to evolve, teaching how to attune to the soul not the ego.
Lessons from the Empress by Cassandra Snow and Siri Vincent Plouff is a fun way to cultivate a self-care practice.
The Book of Norse Magic by Cerridwen Greenleaf is a fun introduction for those seeking to learn more about this fascinating cultural heritage.
Ancestral Magic by Kirsten Riddle is a perfect place to start your journey of connecting more with the potent magic of your ancestral lineage.