From Elder to Ancestor by S. Kelley Harrell is an important read if we wish to understand how each of us is an important piece of a much larger puzzle.
From Elder to Ancestor by S. Kelley Harrell is an important read if we wish to understand how each of us is an important piece of a much larger puzzle.
The Jolanda Witch Tarot by Rosie Bjorkman draws upon is charged with whimsy, wisdom, fantasy, and magic.
The Herbcrafter’s Tarot by The Herbcrafter’s Tarot, by Latisha Guthrie is a harmonious blend of art, nature, and spirituality.
The Writer Who Inhabits Your Body by Renée Gregorio is one of the most helpful books about improving your writing that I’ve ever encountered.
In Dance of the Sun Goddess, author Kenneth Johnson introduces readers to a vivacious pantheon of Baltic deities.
Yoga and the Five Elements by Nicole Goott is an interesting read that focuses on Eastern practices but can be seamlessly woven into any spiritual practice.
In The Way of the Will: Thelema in Action, author Dr. David Shoemaker provides Thelemic exercises for spiritual growth.
The Secret Language of Color Cards by Inna Segal is a prismatic oracle for helping readers consciously integrate the healing power of color.
Lessons from the Afterlife by Mattew McKay helps readers answer the deep questions about life after death and our purpose here.
Seiðr Magic by Dean Kirkland, Ph.D. is a wonderful blend of rigorous scholarship and creative heathen reconstruction.