In Crystal Body Grids, healer and teacher Sharon L. McAllister provides a helpful guide for using crystals to heal one’s body.

In Crystal Body Grids, healer and teacher Sharon L. McAllister provides a helpful guide for using crystals to heal one’s body.
In Shamanic Star Wisdom Oracle, Lisa Biritz has captured concepts and guidance from many of the cultures around the world and the cosmos.
The Dragon Riders Oracle by Christine Arana Fader and illustrated by Elena Dudina was the “in” that I needed to discover my own dragon and better understand their true nature.
Ho’oponopono: The Hawaiian Ritual of Forgiveness by Ulrich E. Duprée is teaches us to offer grace to ourselves and others.
Soul Helper Oracle by Christine Arana Fader is for those ready to listen to their soul’s guidance.
The Tree Horoscope: Discover Your Birth-Tree and Personality Destiny by Daniela Christine Huber explores the 22 different trees that shape your personality.
Inner Practices for the Twelve Nights of Yuletide by Anne Stallkamp and Werner Hartung offers spiritual guidance for the transition from Yule to New Year.
Animal Spirit Wisdom by Phillip Kansa and Elke Kirchner-Young was a truly impactful and enlightening reading experience.
Crystals and Numerology is filled with practical wisdom on how to do energy work incorporating these two modalities.
The Tree Angel Oracle by Fred Hageneder is a truly beautiful deck, illustrated by Anne Heng. The cards are illustrated with fairy-like figures ethereally interwoven with an image of a tree, creating a magical, endearing effect.