Wiccan Crystals by Cerridwen Greenleaf is a nifty guide to using crystals for magical and spiritual goals.

Wiccan Crystals by Cerridwen Greenleaf is a nifty guide to using crystals for magical and spiritual goals.
The Chinese Five Elements Oracle by Vicki Iskandar with illustrations by Candice Soon is a treasure trove of wisdom and beauty.
Interview with Anjie Cho about her new book Mindful Homes: Create Healing Living Spaces with Mindfulness and Feng Shui (CICO Books 2023).
Mindful Homes: Create Healing Living Spaces with Mindfulness and Feng Shui by Anjie Cho is an amazing resource for those seeking a change in how they live and the spaces they inhabit.
Magic in the Landscape: Earth Mysteries & Geomancy by Nigel Pennick is a history book about how magical practices and the routines of indigenous people are recorded in the present-day landscape – in this case, the landscape of Great Britain.
Finding Home within the Heart of the Earth by Eagle Skyfire felt more to me words to be practiced rather than a book to be merely read.