Ancient Goddess Magic by Vanessa Lavallée is a fascinating exploration into the world of goddess worship and astral magic.
Ancient Goddess Magic by Vanessa Lavallée is a fascinating exploration into the world of goddess worship and astral magic.
The Forbidden Knowledge of the Book of Enoch by Harold Roth takes on the challenges of subject matter.
Wise Woman Oracle by Cheyenne Zarate is the perfect deck to reconnect with one’s wild spirit.
Paul Wyld’s Jim Morrison, Secret Teacher of the Occult offers a fresh perspective on this legendary rock star.
Reading Spinning Spells, Weaving Wonders by Patricia Telesco has been the boost I needed to spur on my creativity and reconnect with my magic practice.
Seiðr Magic by Dean Kirkland, Ph.D. is a wonderful blend of rigorous scholarship and creative heathen reconstruction.
Witchcraft and the Shamanic Journey by Kenneth Johnson fills in the gaps of knowledge that are missing in mainstream pop culture witchcraft.
Divine Codes Oracle by Leah Shoman is truly a work of art.
In Fortuna: The Sacred & Profane Faces of Luck, Nigel Pennick explores the origins and evolution of the concept of luck, from divination to gambling.
Alvarado’s passion for her craft and devotion to Marie Laveau shines through in The Marie Laveau Grimoire.