Kris Spisak’s Becoming Baba Yaga is a masterful exploration of the Slavic crone.
Kris Spisak’s Becoming Baba Yaga is a masterful exploration of the Slavic crone.
In Witchcraft, Grimassi explores the myths and universal deity archetypes at the core of the Mysteries.
For those ready to advance their candle magic practice, Patricia Telesco provides wonderful guidance in Mastering Candle Magic.
Lumina Tarot by Lauren Aletta is visually stunning deck that blends classical and modern stylistic elements.
Season of the Witch – Lammas Oracle by Lorraine Anderson and Juliet Diaz is a beautifully crafted tool for guidance.
Tarot of the Unexplained by Davezilla is an intriguing blend of the high weird and the mysterious.
The Occult Sylvia Plath by Julia Gordan-Bramer is a spellbinding biography documenting that reveals a hidden layer of meaning in Plath’s writing.
The Jolanda Witch Tarot by Rosie Bjorkman draws upon is charged with whimsy, wisdom, fantasy, and magic.
In The Way of the Will: Thelema in Action, author Dr. David Shoemaker provides Thelemic exercises for spiritual growth.
The Sirens’ Song by Carrie Paris and Toni Savory is a combination divination kit.