For those looking to explore more layers of their creative processes, undertaking the arduous process of transforming lead into gold, The Hermetic Marriage of Art and Alchemy is a wonderful resource.

For those looking to explore more layers of their creative processes, undertaking the arduous process of transforming lead into gold, The Hermetic Marriage of Art and Alchemy is a wonderful resource.
If you’re trying to find your place in the universe maybe Shamanic Dreaming by Carol day has your answer, waiting patiently just on the horizon.
Phoenixes and Angels by Carmen Turner-Schott is a really interesting take on the eighth and twelfth house.
In The First Female Pharaoh: Sobekneferu, Goddess of the Seven Stars, author Andrew Collins does rigorous archaeological detective work.
I was eager to see the messages Guardian Angel Oracle by Debbie Malone and illustrated by Amalia I. Chitulescu held for me.
In Reclaim Your Dark Goddess: The Alchemy of Transformation, author Flavia Kate Peters examines the transformation that embracing the darkness within can trigger.
Interview with Nicci Roscoe about her new book Manifest Your Everything: Love yourself and Create your Dream Life.
In Manifest Your Everything: Love yourself and create your dream life, Nicci Roscoe assures us that with the right mindset we can change our lives to match our dreams.
In her reverence for the Tree of Life, Janis Fry is like a druidess, initiating readers into her yew-centric worldview with artwork and writing that captures the hallucinogenic quality of her god tree.
I urge you to start your own research into this intriguing deity and see where the Goddess Abnoba visits your life.