Pagan Portals – Scrying by Lucya Starza is beneficial for whatever medium you choose to explore in your scrying.
Pagan Portals – Scrying by Lucya Starza is beneficial for whatever medium you choose to explore in your scrying.
Archangel Fire Oracle by Alexandra Wenman goes beyond the positive, affirming messages of other angel oracle decks, connecting the reader with the genuine essence of each angel.
Pagan Portals – Baba Yaga, Slavic Earth Goddess by Natalia Clarke is a a must-read for anyone considering deity work with Her.
The Relative Tarot by Carrie Paris is a really neat deck to add to one’s collection, especially for advanced readers or those interested in learning more about their ancestral line through the cards.
In Our African Unconscious: The Black Origins of Mysticism and Psychology, Edward Bruce Bynum draws upon a myriad of research to shine a light on this repressed African consciousness within us all.
I have been adoring the way Astral Realms Crystal Oracle by Dark Moon Crystals and Prism + Fleur Design Studio looks on my altar recently.
A Healer’s Journey to Intuitive Knowing: The Heart of Therapeutic Touch chronicled experiences by Krieger during her 50+ years as a nurse, instructor, and champion of hands on healing.
Rituals of the Soul by Kori Hahn was created to help readers completely transform their lives
I was drawn to the Crystal Oversoul Cards: Attunements for Lightworkers by Michael Eastwood because of the intricate geometric crystal designs on the cards.
Morgaine teaches the reader how to cultivate a spiritual practice dedicated to Yemaya through telling her stories with the Orishas, sharing her many aspects of self through reincarnation, what offerings she loves and what things she dislikes, and how to establish a relationship nearby or far from the ocean.