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Search Results for: oracle decks

Oracle Deck Reviews

Sacred Hags Oracle, by Danielle Dulsky Sacred Hags Oracle: Visionary Guidance for Dreamers, Witches, and Wild Hearts by Danielle Dulsky and illustrator Janine Houseman puts a new spin on oracle decks….→ Read More Alanna KaliApril 16, 2021 Kabbalah: The Tree …

Oracle Kit Reviews

Most tarot, rune sets, and oracle decks come as kits: cards or stones with an accompanying book that explains the origins of the system and its symbolism. The review should give a sense of the oracle: what it’s like, the …

The Heart Path Oracle Cards, by Nadine Gordon-Taylor

The Heart Path Oracle Cards tell stunning, evocative stories through rich imagery. Nadine Gordon-Taylor, artist and author, offers us the beauty of the natural and the mythic world with incredible technical skill and a visceral understanding of color. Each of these 53 cards holds the galaxy within them.

Kali Oracle, by Alana Fairchild

The Kali Oracle, created by Alana Fairchild and illustrated by Jimmy Manton, perfectly captures the dark, primal nature of Kali, while also initiating the reader into some of her lesser-known forms to help the reader get the full picture of this power dark goddess.

Angel Tarot, by Travis McHenry

While Angel Tarot by Travis McHenry does facilitate this sacred connection to the power of the angels, the deck is unique because it also offers sigils, seals, and ancient grimoire knowledge to invite the angels into your life.

Green Witch Oracle, by Cheralyn Darcey

Green Witch Oracle: Discover real secrets of botanical magick by Cheralyn Darcey is absolutely bursting with garden wisdom and colorful fun. This deck really pops, and it reminds me of a plentiful garden on a warm summer’s day.

Kali Journal, by Alana Fairchid

On first glance at the Kali Journal, my senses were overwhelmed with the beauty and majesty of the artwork. Author Alana Fairchild and artist Jimmy Manton have taken the incredible art from her Kali Oracle Deck and interspersed the pages of this journal with the stunning images.

11.11 Oracle, by Alana Fairchild

In 11.11 Oracle: Answers to Uplift and Shift, Fairchild shares a lengthy explanation about the power of 11.11 and her belief that “every instance of 11.11 is the Universe reassuring us.”