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Search Results for: universe

The Lotus and the Bud, by Christopher Kilham

The Lotus and the Bud: Cannabis, Consciousness, and Yoga Practice by Christopher S. Kilham is a wonderful guide to deepening one’s explorations into the expanded states of consciousness offered through yoga practice.

Divine Musings

4 Ways to Usher in the New Year with Gemstones My ritual of cleaning the house at the start of the new year to bring in fresh energy consists of more than dusting, washing mirrors, changing seasonal accents, and making …

Reading Corner

Interview with Spirit Guide Erin Being sensitive to spirit runs in my family. I think when it’s in your lineage, it will eventually manifest itself, which it has for myself and my girls. My mom told me my great grandmother …

8 Tarot Cards To Improve Your Finances

Money and mysticism go hand in hand, although sometimes in a dispirited mindset we forget that. At its core, the flow of money is the flow of energy. What better tool to tap into this current than tarot cards?

Cosmic Dancer Oracle, by Sedona Soulfire and Tess Whitehurst

The Cosmic Dancer Oracle by Sedona Soulfire and Tess Whitehurst perfectly captures the soulful integration of mind, body, and soul. This deck is a mixture of radiance and delight, as the cards beautifully show the flow of energy within the relationship between body and spirit.

Astrology’s Higher Octaves, by Greg Bogart, Ph.D.

The content of this book is so utterly refreshing to me because of the unique viewpoints Bogart puts forth about the practice of astrology and all its potential for personal growth, spiritual awakening, and aligned living. By the end, the reader gains an understanding of how astrology can tap us into the imaginal realm and also be the best guide for structuring our daily lives.

The Heart Path Oracle Cards, by Nadine Gordon-Taylor

The Heart Path Oracle Cards tell stunning, evocative stories through rich imagery. Nadine Gordon-Taylor, artist and author, offers us the beauty of the natural and the mythic world with incredible technical skill and a visceral understanding of color. Each of these 53 cards holds the galaxy within them.

Temporal Experience of Flow

The person in the flow state experiences no resistance – their “actions” are indistinguishable from the ever-flowing changes of the Universe. Their experience of time (if it can be called an experience of time at all!) is of the ever-manifesting present, the NOW, the Tao.

Women of Science Tarot, by Massive Science

Did you know the first African American woman to get a PhD in chemistry was Marie Maynard Daly? I didn’t until recently! This is one of the many things I’ve learned from Massive Science’s Women of Science Tarot deck.

Interview with Spirit Guide Erin

Being sensitive to spirit runs in my family. I think when it’s in your lineage, it will eventually manifest itself, which it has for myself and my girls. My mom told me my great grandmother would speak to my great grandfather’s spirit each day in her room after he passed.