Heal the Witch Wound by Celeste Larsen is an excellent book for those who feel they cannot ‘come out’ as a practitioner of magic and who feel they need to stifle themselves in order to fit it.

Heal the Witch Wound by Celeste Larsen is an excellent book for those who feel they cannot ‘come out’ as a practitioner of magic and who feel they need to stifle themselves in order to fit it.
Horns of the Goddess by Dolores Cannon is an interesting exploration of the concept of past lives and the impact that information may carry within the greater scientific and spiritual communities of the present.
Ecosomatics by Cheryl Pallant, Ph.D. is a wonderful resource for those interested in expanding their perceptions to be more inclusive of their physical experience.
In Naughty Oracle, Naomi Beth truly offers readers a combination of the wisdom of her decades-long spiritual journey and a dose of reality.
In Manifest Your Everything: Love yourself and create your dream life, Nicci Roscoe assures us that with the right mindset we can change our lives to match our dreams.
Should you pick up The Threadwell’s Book of Plant Magic by Christina Oakley Harrington if you’ve never held an herb in your life? YES.
Interview with Katrina Townsend about the upcoming release of Anti-Consumerist Druid: How I Beat My Shopping Addiction Through Connection With Nature.
Witches, Druids, and Sin Eaters by Jon C. Hughes with Sophie Gallagher is a very comprehensive look at this unique area of Welsh Marches.
In Pagan Portals – Polytheism: A Platonic Approach, Steven Dillon presents an argument that the existence of any god entails the existence of many gods.
Gemstone and Crystal Magic is a wonderful go-to reference book for those who are looking to incorporate gemstones into their magical practice.