Josephine Wall’s Angelic Vibration Oracle invites readers to connect with angles through its splendid artwork and insightful messages.

Josephine Wall’s Angelic Vibration Oracle invites readers to connect with angles through its splendid artwork and insightful messages.
Anna Stark and Louis Dyer have created a portal to divine guidance in Sacred Spirit Oracle.
Dwina Murphy-Gibb has created a masterful tarot deck with influences from the Vedic, Irish, Qabbalistic, and Rider-Waite-Smith traditions in The Vedic Tarot.
Numerology Oracle by Rosemaree Templeton is an intriguing exploration into the mystical world of numerology.
Author Marc. J. Gian shares his “dream toolbox” with readers in his book entitled Your Dream Handbook.
Reading Spinning Spells, Weaving Wonders by Patricia Telesco has been the boost I needed to spur on my creativity and reconnect with my magic practice.
In The Mindful Medium, Alison Grey shares her journey to becoming a psychic medium, spiritual teacher, and healer.
The Jolanda Witch Tarot by Rosie Bjorkman draws upon is charged with whimsy, wisdom, fantasy, and magic.
The Herbcrafter’s Tarot by The Herbcrafter’s Tarot, by Latisha Guthrie is a harmonious blend of art, nature, and spirituality.
Sacred Geometry in Ancient Goddess Cultures by Richard Heath embarks on an exploratory journey into the sacred geometry origins within ancient goddess cultures.